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          Aluminium alloy

          product details product details

          Modern construction industry


          Aluminum alloy formwork system is a new type of building formwork system,which has been used for many years in the world,especially in the United states.In  recent years,the template system in Malaysia,Macao,Hongkong has also been widely applied.

          With the hardness of steel,bu also light aluminum;

          Meet the requirements of the national green building: environmental protection,durable,recyclable;

          Low degree of dependence on machinery,construction speed,quality has exceeded all existing template system;


          Definition of aluminum die 2018-02-11 [!--filesize--] 0 [!--softsay--] 界面語言:[!--language--] 軟件類型:[!--softtype--] 授權方式:[!--softsq--] 運行平臺:[!--softfj--]
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